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INCASE or IN CASE: Useful Difference between In Case and Incase

Incase or In Case!!! There are many confused words that writers accidentally misuse for one another in English. In this article, we learn the difference between incase and in case and how to use them in sentences.

Incase or In Case

The expression “in case” is two words, not one.

In Case Meaning and Examples

In case is a phrase. It means “if something happens or if something is true.”

In Case Examples:

  • Keep these papers together in case they are lost.
  • Don’t play by the river in case you fall in and drown!
  • In case of fire, walk quickly to the nearest door.

Incase Meaning and Examples

Incase is a misspelling of the verb “encase”, which means to enclose, as in a case.

“Encase” Examples:

  • The witness box was encased in fences.
  • His broken leg was encased in plaster.
  • The reactor is encased in concrete and steel.

Incase or In Case Examples

  1. Never walk behind a horse in case it kicks out at you.
  2. We fenced off the lake in case the children should fall in.
  3. She drew back from the window in case anyone saw her.
  4. He didn’t talk about his exam results in case people thought he was boasting.
  5. Keep your receipt in case you want to bring it back.
  6. It may rain you’d better take an umbrella in case.
  7. I don’t think I’ll need any money but I’ll bring some just in case.
  8. In case anyone was following me, I made an elaborate detour.
  9. Please remind me in case I should forget.
  10. Be quiet in case you wake the baby.

When to Use In Case or Incase | Infographic

Incase or In Case: How to Use In Case or Incase in English?

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