Attain vs Obtain!!! Obtain and attain are two verbs in the English language that can often be confusing for non-native speakers.
Attain vs Obtain
Attain Meaning and Examples
Attain means “to achieve something, often through dint of effort”.
Attain Examples:
- The cheetah can attain speeds of up to 97 kph.
- These trees attain to a remarkable height.
- There will be an objective for Samson to attain before the game is won.
Obtain Meaning and Examples
Obtain just means “to get something and, in general, to get a physical object”.
Obtain Examples:
- Where can I obtain a copy of her latest book?
- The local authority may assist you to obtain alternative accommodation.
- Creditors could obtain a writ for the arrest of their debtors.
Attain vs Obtain Examples
- Here is your opportunity to attain a goal.
- TECs play an important role in helping companies attain it.
- Banks have managed to attain this share by offering attractive packages.
- The pair are the first in Shropshire to attain the certification.
- He must have been very bitter and ready to invoke any means to attain his ends.
- The police are trying to obtain a more accurate picture of crime levels.
- Underage youths can obtain alcohol from their older friends.
- Journalists often use subterfuge to obtain material for stories.
- I finally managed to obtain a copy of the report.
- Evans was trying to obtain a false passport and other documents.
Difference between Obtain vs Attain | Infographic
Confused Words: When to Use Obtain vs Attain
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